IT & Networks

e3 offers robust, reliable, future-proofed and highly-customisable IT networks and servers. We also offer complementary services such as a free-of-charge IT audit and cyber security solutions.

IT networks for yachts

Your network is the core foundation of your entire communications system. From sending an email and streaming the latest TV programmes to the highest levels of security, your network facilitates the reliable transfer of data.


Our recommended servers will effortlessly handle vital tasks such as centralised anti-virus, update management, and centralised file management with malicious data loss recovery options. Each installation is individually tailored to meet specific needs.

IT Audit

The upgrade of your IT services involves serious investment of time and money and is a decision that needs careful consideration. To start this process, we recommend an IT Audit – a comprehensive consultation carried out by our senior IT engineers.

Data management

Effortlessly manage data resources, route traffic and monitor performance on-board a vessel.

System care

With direct access into your network and communications equipment, e3 remote support engineers can provide monitoring and management for each one of our enterprise level servers and networks.

Cyber security

Increased connectivity for superyachts brings with it increased risk. The highest levels of protection and training are fundamental to the security of your networks and data including personal and business details.

Sorted for VSAT?

We offer fast, reliable competitively-priced bandwidth from a choice of providers.

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